8 Giugno 2015

La Mountain Week Ad EXPO: Il programma di oggi

8 Giugno 2015

La “Mountain Week” è un palinsesto di eventi (conferenze, mostre, incontri, etc.)dedicati allo sviluppo sostenibile, all’agricoltura, alle produzioni delle montagna di tutto il mondo, promossi dai Paesi montani e dalle Organizzazioni internazionali che hanno aderito all’iniziativa, che si terranno sia all’interno dei Padiglioni dei Paesi espositori che in altre aree della città di Milano, ma anche nei territori montani.

Il Programma di oggi, 8 Giugno 2015:

Swiss Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE)
Energy Forum at EXPO 2015
08 June – 10:30, EXPO 2015 – Biodiversity Park – Teatro al Centro della Terra


Renewable energy development as new challenge for spatial planning in the Alps

The development of renewable energy systems (RES) requires the designation of appropriate areas, the identification of trade-offs and the integration in existing regional structures. Especially the development of renewable energy infrastructures with high spatial impacts and great visibility, like wind or solar power plants, biomass infrastructures or hydropower, will be developed on the regional level, including cross-border regions. The challenge lies in developing effective strategies to minimise trade-offs between the relevant spatial requirements of RES and competing issues like nature protection or tourism.

This needs to be seen as new task for spatial and regional planning policies which require new planning tools and strategies to better integrate renewable energy development in spatial and regional planning. A common strategy for integrating RES development in spatial and regional planning will be difficult to develop and implement at transnational level, as all Alpine regions face different legal and political frameworks. However, How can we best develop our Alpine cooperation and benefit from each other’s experience? Do we need common principles and guidelines… a cooking recipe for RES?

The Energy Forum on 8th June 2015 during the Expo in Milan will have the objective to discuss the potential role of common principles and guidelines for RES development in the Alps and to explore an appropriate level for their specification.

We are looking forward to a fruitful discussion with you at the EXPO in Milan.


Energy Forum, Monday 8th June, 10.30 -14.30

Location: xxx

EXPO Milano 2015

10.15 Coffee and Registration

10.45 Main results from the Energy Platform under Swiss Presidency

Federal Office for Spatial Development, Switzerland

Dr. Maria Lezzi

11.00 How to understand future Energy policies and their regional and local interpretation?

Prof.Christian Schaffner

11.15 Renewable Energy in the Alps: what the researchers can tell us

EURAC, Prof. Wolfram Sparber

11.30 recharge.green: what lessons can we learn from the Alpine Space project?

Chris Walzer

11.45 Best Practise Collection: what can we expect from the German Presidency?

Martin Waldhausen

12.00 Panel and Plenum Discussion Spatial Planning:

What are the main problems of RES for spatial planning and how can we solve them? How can the Alpine Convention help?

Tanja Bogataj (Slovenia), Dr. Maria Lezzi, Flavio Ruffini (South Tirol)

12.45 Panel and Plenum Discussion: Common guidelines yes or no?

Markus Reiterer (PSAC), Anita Konrad (cipra), Cassiano Luminati (Region Poschiavo), Martin Waldhausen (German presidency), Ulrich Delang (SAC)

13.30 Synthesis

Thomas Scheurer, tbc

Light lunch

Moderation: Taja Ferjancic (PSAC) and Silvia Jost

Languages: French, German, Italian, Slovene

Input Paper for the Energy Forum Milano

Renewable energies in the Alps – towards a set of common principles and guidelines

Background and objectives of the workshop
Under the Swiss presidency in 2013 and 2014, the Energy platform of the Alpine Convention has discussed and developed activities along five major elements: consumption, production, governance, EU interface and knowledge. While consumption has been extensively tackled, the element production through renewable energy systems (RES) has not been a major focus.

The Alpine regions have very diverse potentials to develop the different RES technologies and have implemented their own strategies to promote RE development. Common measures or instruments are not necessary and would probably not be acceptable, but common principles and guidelines which can be applied by regional stakeholders would be feasible and useful.

The Energy Forum on 8th June 2015 during the Expo in Milano will have the objective to discuss the potential role of common principles and guidelines for RES development in the Alps and to explore an appropriate level for their specification

Towards principles for RES development in tha Alps
The latest decisions of the Permanent Committee as well as the report of the Permanent Secretariat on activities of the Energy platform include some leading principles that could be used as starting point:

Model region: the Alpine region shall become a model region for RES development
Minimise trade-offs: RES shall be developed in a sustainable way, reducing conflicts with land-use and nature protection
Decarbonisation: up to 2050, the Alps should be fully decarbonised, meaning a near 100% renewable energy mix
Improved Energy-Governance: governance in the field of energy shall be improved to secure acceptance as well as social and environmental compatibility of RES development
Questions for the workshop discussion:

Which role do you see for a common set of principles on RES development in the Alps?
Which level of commitment would be appropriate to implement those principles (e.g. as decision of the Permanent Committee, as political resolution, etc.)
Do you think that further principles should be added?
Should these principles be further specified and if yes, how?

Towards guidelines for RES developments in the Alps
In a second step, a common set of principles could be supplemented by specific guidelines to guarantee their implementation. Those guidelines could be developed:

In a general way, cross-cutting across all RES technologies
In a technology-specific way
To guarantee that the guidelines are applicable and useful, a technology-specific definition seems reasonable. Where characteristics of all technologies are similar, common guidelines can be defined. As hydropower development has already been discussed in the frame of developing the “Common guidelines for the use of small hydropower in the Alpine region”, it does not seem necessary to go beyond this framework. The discussions should thus concentrate on the following technologies:

Wind energy
Photovoltaics (PV)

Autonomous Region of Valle d’Aosta
“The conquest of the Matterhorn ” by Livio Viano
08 June – 19:00, Expo Milan

Lo spettacolo teatrale di Livio Viano racconta la prima ascensione della Gran Becca dalla via italiana. L’opera ripercorre ripercorre le sfide che Jean Antoine Carrel e i suoi compagni di cordata hanno dovuto affrontare prima di raggiungere la cima del Nobile Scoglio dalla parte italiana, il 17 luglio 1865.   Roberto Anglisani impersona, nel suo monologo, Jean Antoine Carrel, ripercorrendo la vita del “bersagliere” che diventa, nel prosieguo dello spettacolo, anche la storia di un intero popolo, quello valdostano, abituato da sempre a confrontarsi con la dura realtà dei luoghi e dove la montagna diventa simbolo di grande dolore e grandi gioie.

Introduce Hervé Barmasse, testimonial della Regione Autonoma Valle d’Aosta in Expo, guida alpina di 4a generazione e alpinista di fama internazionale. Originario di Valtournenche, ai piedi del Cervino, di cui ricorre nel 2015 il 150mo anniversario della conquista della vetta.

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