22 September 2022

A course to enhance the food production of mountain areas in the study plan of MOUNTAINSIDE

The new Master’s Degree course in VALORIZATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF MOUNTAIN AREAS offered by the UNIMONT Centre of the University of Milan (class LM-73) promotes the study of the distinctive food production of mountain areas and its role in the enhancement of local biodiversity.

The third module of the MOUNTAINSIDE “Bioresources for Innovation in Mountain Products” Course, entitled “Bio active and functional compounds in traditional and innovative mountain products”, is held by Dr. Sara Panseri of the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences of the University of Milan.

Dr. Panseri says: “The module will address current issues which can enhance the distinctive food production of mountain territories. In particular, a strong background will be provided, aimed at characterizing the quality and safety of mountain food products in relation to the biodiversity of the various agro-zootechnic supply chains in terms of composition and the opportunity to create innovative products. Skills will therefore be provided in the context of high value-added mountain supply chains – such as milk and derivatives, honey and bee products, saffron – and the meat and game supply chain. The specific peculiarities of these supply chains will also be studied in relation to the characterization of production and the interconnection with the mountain environment. The focus will also be on organic supply chains and their role in enhancing the biodiversity of mountain territories in the One Health area.”

Enrolment is open: CLICK HERE!

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