4 June 2015

Mountain Week at EXPO Milan 2015, Today’s program

The “Mountain Week” is a programme of events (conferences, exhibitions, meetings, etc.) dedicated to sustainable development, agriculture, mountains products around the world, promoted by mountainous countries and international organizations that have adhered to the initiative. Those events will take place both within the pavillions of the exhibiting countries and in other areas of the city of Milan, but also in mountain areas.

Today’s program:

Forests to live 2015 / Foreste da Vivere 2015
04 June – 00:00, Lombardy forests / Foreste di Lombardia

Forests to live is a rich program of cultural and recreational activities to promote and visit Lombardy’s Regional Forests, mountain pastures, and farms managed by ERSAF (Regional Body for Services to Agriculture and Forests).

We await you among guided hikes, full moon snowshoe walks, sporting events, performances of traditional culture, tasting of local products, art exhibitions and many other events.

For more information, visit the web site: www.ersaf.lombardia.it

Girarifugi e Alpeggi – Mountain huts tour and Mountain pastures
04 June – 09:00, Rifugi e alpeggi in Lombardia / Mountain Huts and Pastures across Lombardy Region

Mountain huts tour and Mountain pastures is an activity promoted by ERSAF, in collaboration with Lombardy’s Region Mountain huts Association, in order to give hikers the opportunity to visit mountain pastures, through paths that wind among wonderful mountain landscapes.

Visiting and discovering mountain pastures, allows oneself to appreciate the fascinating world of the mountain, discover the secrets and the resources of an age-long culture, share ancient traditions, and taste typical cheeses with unique and unmistakable flavors.

For information: www.ersaf.lombardia.it

WWF Italia
Peccei Lecture at EXPO Milano: On the Edge: The State and Fate of the World’s Tropical Rainforests
04 June – 10:30, Milano, UNICREDIT Tower, Piazza Gae Aulenti

On the occasion of World Environment Day “On the Edge” will be presented on June 4th, 2015, in Milano, Italy (UniCredit Tower – Torre A Piazza Gae Aulenti) as an initiative of WWF Italia in cooperation with the Club of Rome and Fondazione Aurelio Peccei, and the Italian Ministry for the Environment – with the support of Unicredit.Tropical rainforests have been at the centre of the environmental debate in the 80s and the early 90s, but have since then disappeared from the public radar. This is partly due to the fact that our understanding of tropical rainforests has exploded over the last years resulting in thousands of scientific papers and countless research projects. If asked today, many conservation experts, if asked about the state of world’s tropical forests, would not be able to give an accurate answer. Tropical Rainforests (more precisely defined as the humid tropical forest biome) have actually attracted little interest of science and the broader public until after the Second World War. As a consequence hardly any precise information existed on the extent of tropical rainforests and their biology until the early 1950’s.

More information and programme on http://www.clubofrome.org/?p=8465

Valtellina -Valposchiavo for EXPO 2015
Slow Train Valtellina Valposchiavo for Expo 2015
04 June – 13:00, Expo

Slow Train for Expo is an initiative promoted by the Province of Sondrio in Italy andRegione Valposchiavo in Switzerland with public and private partners that will link the Expo site and these two Alpine valleys. The opening journey, reserved to institutional guests, has been scheduled on June 4th in concomitance with the launch of the Mountain Week at Expo as a way to enhance the outstanding quality of products and landscape of two Alpine sites in Italy and Switzerland being close to Milano. The Slow Train Valtellina Valposchiavo leaves from Rho Fiera EXPO railway station to the city of Tirano in Valtellina and then continue to Valposchiavo, a Smart Valley Bio where agriculture focuses on organic high quality food production. The representatives of institutions, journalists and other guests taking part in the opening journey will taste gourmet dishes cooked with local products, visit the city of Tirano in Valtellina and continue to Val Poschiavo. Other journeys open to tourists where starred Michelin chefs will participate  leaving from Expo have been scheduled for June 17 and 29, and September 21 and can be booked also as integrated tourist packages.


Italian Ministry of the Environment Land and Sea
Mountain Cooperation for Food: initiatives in the Alps, the Carpathians and other mountain regions
04 June – 14:00, EXPO -Biodiversity Park

International agreements and legal arrangements such as the Alpine and Carpathian Conventions and the recent EU Regulation (2012) and delegated act (2014) on Mountain Products address issues like mountain farming, agro-biodiversity and certification of origin for quality food products. Often mountain productions are characterised by high environmental standards in terms of quality and production methods that can meet a specific market demand. The aim of the conference is to analyse the outcomes achieved so far in linking environmental with economic progress in mountain regions in the field of farming and food productions, to examine their economic potential and explore the unexploited potential of international cooperation for mountain territories in support to initiatives for food sustainability, transformation, certification and regional and global trade. Existing experiences and tools will be presented and a sound debate will be stimulated about innovative tools and adequate frameworks to promote a sustainable and effective commerce of mountain products.


UNIMONT – University of Milan Degree Course in Conservation and Sustainable Development of Mountain areas
Da un’economia agricola di autosufficienza alla valorizzazione delle produzioni locali. L’esempio di due valli del cuneese (Seminario)
04 June – 15:30, UNIMONT – Aula Magna dell’Università della Montagna Via Morino, n 8 Edolo, Brescia, Italy

The Seminar (in Italian) analyses the landscape of two bordering valleys and its historical roots. The process through which local territorial resources have been used to support the local economic system will be described and the efforts made locally to ensure a sustainable path of production and landscape conservation in the area. A video of the lecture will be available in streaming and on demand at www.valmont.unimi.it 

Autonomous Region of Valle d’Aosta
Images and flavours of the Gran Paradiso valleys
04 June – 21:00, Aosta regional library

Evening event organised by Fondation Grand Paradis.Presentation of the XIX edition of the Gran Paradiso Film Festival, viewing of the winning film of the Gran Paradiso Film Festival, which was filmed in the National Park and exalts its extraordinary natural characteristics. The film is followed by a report dedicated to eno-gastronomic products native to the local area: this aims to provide viewers with knowledge about how and where these products are made and how they are an intrinsic part of local culture. All participants will be given a Fondation Grand Paradis pass to all the natural and cultural sites managed by the Fondation Grand Paradis, valid for a year.

Do you want to know all the events at Mountain Week 2015? Visit the website, click here

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