Cultures of women in the mountains: business, traditions, history

The main objective of the project is to spread the new sensitivity that women are bringing as a dowry today, that for collaboration VS the opposition. A development and management model also useful for the mountains where processes, problems and innovation are carried out by several hands, bringing together different looks, skills and cultures and thus bringing the benefit of a collective mind, a model in which if one of the parties wins, all the others always win.

STEP I (2014)

The project was co-financed by Lombardy Region, it was based on the realization of a documentary about the status of women in mountain areas.

Among the interviewed: the Councillor of the Province of Sondrio Silvana Snieder, the President of Valtellina Tourism Giovanna Muscetti, Professor Miretta Tovini, lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera and entrepreneurs, researchers of Valcamonica and Valtellina.

The project was promoted by the Association VALTEMO, GESDIMONT, Cooperation Bancaire puor l’Europe (CBE), Lombardia Film Commission, Boston University – Metropolitan College based in Brussels and the association Greenlight for Girls. It was built with the contribution of Lombardy Region – Culture, Identity and Autonomy and with the support of Banca Popolare di Sondrio.

STEP II (2015)

The Unimont project joined a larger project that includes a supra-regional partnership with Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia regions. In the new phase started from the Veneto, WOMEN MAKE HISTORY, the work of mountain women is seen in a diachronic perspective and today’s professions are put in the system with those of 100 years ago, during the Great War. That was one of the first times when women became protagonists in areas conceived exclusively in a male key.

The project involves the construction of monographic videos and the development of interactive installations to illustrate the new business model promoted by women today, a series of training events to promote greater cultural awareness and more effective communication, professional training courses for active young entrepreneurs in mountain areas.


First entrepreneurs in war yesterday, entrepreneurs in times of crisis today, women – and their men – in front of the complexity of daily life have the ability to grasp the positive vision of what will come after those events and to give effect to its will to change the present. For this reason, women of the Great War, strong examples of how life can be pursued with determination, will be a seed from which start even in the midst of a major conflict like the Great War.

The project’s main goal is to spread the new awareness that women are bringing in the today world, the one that value cooperation and struggle the opposition. A model of development and management useful also for the mountains where processes, challenges and innovation are made by many hands, putting together capabilities and different cultures and then bringing the benefit of a collective mind, a model where if one party wins, also all the others win.

Funding Body
CrC Ge.S.Di.Mont
Start Year
End Year

Regione Lombardia, Regione Veneto, Regione FVG, Cortina Turismo, Associazione WW1 – dentro la Grande Guerra, Associazione Centro Studi Storico Militari sulla Grande Guerra “Piero Pieri”, Soroptimist International Club di Treviso e Cortina


Anna Giorgi, Emanuela Zilio

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