EUSALP Policy Workshop: promoting a sustainable future in the Alpine Region

On the 16th of June at 2.30 p.m., the meeting “EUSALP Policy Workshop: Promoting a sustainable future in the Alpine Region”, with a focus on tourism, will be held at the Unimont Centre of the University of Milan. The event is organised in the framework of the Interreg Alpine Space project “ALPGOV2 – Enhancing the governance mechanism of the European strategy for the alpine region” in cooperation with the Lombardy Region.




14.30 – Opening remarks

  • Elio Franzini
    Rector – University of Milan
  • Attilio Fontana
    President – Lombardy Region

Institutional greetings and opening session

  • Raffaele Cattaneo (video-message)
    Regional Ministry for the Environment and Climate – Lombardy Region
  • Mirko Bisesti
    Concillor for Education, University and Culture of the Autonomous Province of Trento
  • Alessandro Panza
    Member of the Regional Development Committee of the European Parliament, Member Intergroup RUMRA
  • Roberto Pella
    Deputy Vice President ANCI Nazionale
  • Sandro Bonomelli*
    President Comunità Montana Valle Camonica, President BIM Valle Camonica
  • Luca Masneri
    Mayor Edolo Municipality, ANCI, Coordinator of the Scientific Technical Table for the Italian Mountains
  • Anna Giorgi
    EUSALP AG1 Leader, President of the Bachelor of Science in Valorization and Protection of the Mountain Environment and Territory – UNIMONT Pole of the University of Milan
  • Massimo Lapolla
    EUSALP AG2 co-leader, Piedmont Region

15.30 – Promoting a Sustainable Future in the Alpine Region

The Interreg Alpine Space AlpGov II project and the policy priorities
Filippo Dadone
Deputy Director Organizational Unit Sustainable Development and Environmental Resources Protection, Lombardy Region

Innovation hub for green business: sustainable tourism in the Alpine Region
Sylvain Guetaz
EUSALP AG2 co-leader, Region Auvergne Rhône-Alpes

The TransTat Project: Transition of Tourism Models in the Alpine Region
Raffaella Balzarini
LABEX ITTEM – Università Grenoble-Alpes

Future prospects for sustainable tourism in the Alps
Linda Osti
Libera Università di Bolzano, Member of the Scientific Technical Table for Mountains of the Department of Regional Affairs and Autonomies of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers

16.10 – The role of policies for the development of mountain territories

EUSALP Policy Recommendations
Thomas Egger
EUSALP AG5 co-leader, SAB – Swiss Group for Mountain Regions

Wolfger Mayrhofer, Alice Beck
EUSALP AG6 co-leaders, Alpine Convention

The National Green Communities Strategy
Francesco Tufarelli
Director General Office for the Coordination of European Union Policies of the Italian Government

16.50 – The voice from young administrators: what future for mountain areas?

Moderation: Luca Masneri, Mayor Edolo Municipality

Gloria Carletti
Mayor Municipality of Foppolo (BG)

Lorenzo Giacomino
Mayor Municipality of Ronco Canavese (TO)

Simone Monni
Mayor Municipality of Burcei (SU)

Francesco Chiabai
Councilor – Municipality of Stregna (UD)

Riccardo Omacini
City Councilor – Municipality of Dossena (BG)

*Waiting for confirmation

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