27 November 2017

1ST ANNUAL FORUM OF THE EU STRATEGY FOR THE ALPINE REGION (EUSALP): Action Group 1 – Research and Innovation meets the stakeholders

For the First Annual Forum of the EU Stategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP), Action Group 1 led a workshop to showcase what the group are implementing in the Alpine Region in relation to Research, Innovation and Networking.

On November 24th, in Munich, Action Group 1, led by Professor Anna Giorgi, gathered together stakeholders from the Alpine Region with the aim of stimulating the creation of a cross-national network, establishing relationships, and promoting collaboration among those who work in Research and Innovation.

Action Group 1 members had the opportunity to present the first results of the work undertaken in 2017. Nine speakers from the Alps presented their work: the Platform of Knowledge (PoK) that in few weeks will be available for all the EUSALP members, for stakeholders, and for the 80 million people  who live in the Alpine Region; the project Research Laboratories in the Alpine Area (RE-SEARCH ALPS) that aims to know and map all the  Research Centers and Laboratories operating in the EUSALP area; and MORE‐Alps, a research & teaching project involving university students and focused on Regional Development Policies within the EUSALP Strategy. Action Group 1 activities also focus on issues that affect the Macro Region, such as climate change as addressed by the Bavarian project Alpine remote sensing of climate-induced natural hazards (AlpSense), which will begin soon.

The Action Group in order to bring its work ever more in line with the European Strategies for Research and Innovation (Smart Specialization Strategy – S3) presented the work of the team that is mapping research and innovation funding tools at the European, national and regional level and focused specifically on the Alpine Research and INnovation Capacity Governance (A-RING) project. Also presented were some Alpine Space projects of particular interest for Action Group 1: SCALE (up) ALPS, Links4Soils, Greencycle. Finally, the International Lake Constance University network was presented as an example of cross-border cooperation in science and research in the Alpine Region.

During the Forum, the General Assembly – where Gianni Fava, the Regional Assessor for Agriculture, on behalf of President Maroni participated – approved the Joint Declaration for the European Strategy of the Alpine Region which highlights the increasing and unanimous consensus about the inclusion of Macro-regional Strategies in post-2020 European Programming Documents. The  priorities for the Action Groups were confirmed: for Action Group 1, consolidate a transnational network of research centers in the Alpine Region.

Discover more about Action Group 1, visit the website!




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